Green Behavior of Employees in Organizations: Types, Components and Models

Document Type : Review Article


Assistant Professor of Educational Management Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


With the intensification of environmental problems, organizations are expected to take on greater responsibilities and implement effective green management in their current activities. While the organization's environmental strategies and policies determine goals and express a commitment to sustainability, ultimately the success of organizations in environmental sustainability depends on the behavior of its individual employees. What is evident is that simply managing green human resources is not enough to make an organization green, and promoting green behavior among members of an organization is necessary. In other words, the development and strengthening of environmentally-friendly behavior on the part of individuals is vital for the sustainable development of organizations, and green behavior is an important and essential component for organizational environmental sustainability. Therefore, this study was conducted using a systematic review method to develop insight into the concept of green behavior in organizations as one of the subsystems of green management. By using library and article review methods, the meaning and concept of green behavior in organizations, as well as its types and models, were examined.


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