Aims and Scope

Goals and Visions:

  • Developing the concept of Green Development Management and strengthening its theoretical foundations;
  • Providing an arena for scientific expression and criticism of experiences, challenges, and solutions to realizing Green Development Management at the micro (office) and macro (global) levels;
  • Creating an interdisciplinary scientific base for decision- and policy-making by local, national, and international managers and planners and based on the sustainable development approach

Research Areas:

Requirements of the Natural Environment

  1. Ecological footprints, water, and carbon
  2. Water resources
  3. Desertification and desert greening
  4. Micro plastic
  5. Natural hazards and crises

 Policy and Social Sciences

  1. Education, ethics, and green culture
  2. Policies of development and green management
  3. Bureaucratic system and green management
  4. Countries' relations and green management
  5. International institutions and green management
  6. Indigenous knowledge and green management

Energy and New Technologies

  1. Sustainable energies
  2. Energy consumption monitoring
  3. Energy consumption management
  4. Smart systems
  5. Energy management technologies
  6. Green biotechnology
  7. Green Transportation


  1. Ecological and neo-ecological economics
  2. Green economy
  3. Cyclical economy
  4. Low carbon economy
  5. Green tourism and ecotourism
  6. Green entrepreneurship
  7. Green productivity
  8. Green jobs
  9. Green shopping
  10. Sustainable livelihoods
  11. Modifying the consumption pattern

Human Settlements

  1. Green organization
  2. Green Office
  3. Buildings and green design
  4. Green infrastructures
  5. Landscapes and green architecture
  6. Waste and sewage management
  7. Biophilic cities
  8. Local community resilience
  9. Smart development
  10. Ecovillage