Guide for authors of “Journal of Green Development Management Studies”
- The following items should be checked before submitting the manuscript to the journal (initial review):
- Attaching all the required files
- Not submitting the manuscript to any national or international journal or conference
- Checking for plagiarism
- Checking the paper against the journal’s scope and aims
- Styling the paper according to the journal’s guidelines and instructions such as authors' profile, page layout, punctuation, and composition
- Files that should be attached while submitting the paper:
- Consent form (download)
- Conflict of interest (download)
- Similarity report (to be downloaded from Samim Noor)
- Extended Persian abstract (1000 to 1200 words)
- Authors' information (authors’ information should be provided in the following format both in Persian and English): academic rank or academic degree, educational or research department, faculty, university, city, and country.
- The structure and format of the article:
- The structure of the paper must be as follows:
- The title of the manuscript (innovation in and compliance with the scope of the journal should be considered)
- Persian abstract (maximum of 250 words and 3-5 keywords)
- English abstract (translation of Persian abstract; Google Translate outputs wouldn’t be accepted)
- Introduction (including the statement of the problem, the significance of the study, background, theoretical framework, and research questions)
- Materials and methods (including research design, method, population, sampling, etc.)
- Research findings
- Discussion and conclusion
- financial sponsor (if any)
- References (at least 20 references should be used in each paper)
- The page layout of the manuscript should feature an A4 page size, 12-pt Times New Roman font, with 2’’ margins from the top, bottom, and left and 3'' from the right.
- The article should be arranged in a single-column format with a page limit between 10 to 15 pages (including tables, maps, and photos) in the above format.
- Customize the manuscript to single-spacing format
- Use metric units for distance measurement;
- The font and size of different sections of the article should be formatted according to the following table:
section of the article
font and size
Title of the article
Bold, B Titr 14 pt
Authors’ name and profile
B Mitra 11 pt, Bold
Abstract and keywords (Persian)
Mitra 11 pt, Bold B
Abstract and keywords (English)
Times New Roman 11 pt, Bold
Bold, B Titr 12 pt
B Mitra 12 pt, Bold
Body (Persian)
B Mitra 14 pt
Body (English)
Times New Roman 11 pt
Figure and table captions
B Titr 12 pt
English references
Times New Roman 11 pt Italic
Persian references
B Mitra 12 pt
- The in-text and end-text citations should be based on the APA style. To help follow the citation style, the APA guide is attached.
Download the APA style guide
- In-text citations of English references should be translated into Persian and inserted into the paper using parentheses. In addition, their non-Persian equivalents should be written as footnotes on the same page.
- Note that:
- The author(s) should take the responsibility for the paper.
- It is not possible to change the order and number of authors after the paper is submitted.
- All authors’ information should be included on the journal’s website while submitting the paper.
- The inclusion of geographical maps with strict adherence to the principles of cartography and high-quality images is one of the positive aspects of the papers.
- The journal reserves the right to accept, reject or edit the manuscript.
- The rejected or withdrawn papers will be removed from the journal's archive after three months, and the journal won't bear any responsibility in this regard.
- A fee is charged for reviewing and publishing articles in this journal.