A Review and Analysis of the Effectiveness of Environmental Criminal Laws in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Criminal Law and Criminology, Isfahan, Iran

2 PhD student in public law and member of the academic staff of Islamic Azad University, Kashmar Branch, Iran

3 Master's student of International Law, Shahid Ashrafi University of Isfahani, Isfahan, Iran


The environment plays a key role in land development and its sustainability for future generations. However, its preservation and sustainability is related to various factors and issues. Laws related to the preservation and exploitation of the environmental resources are one of the important subjects in the field of environmental management. In this regard, criminal laws can play a significant role in preserving, maintaining, exploiting, sustaining and developing the environment. The important point regarding the environmental criminal laws is their effectiveness and recognition of their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify and analyze the effectiveness of environmental criminal laws in Iran. The research design was descriptive-analytical and it was based on survey data. The statistical population of the research comprised relevant and knowledgeable experts, from among whom a sample of 75 participants were selected and questioned. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed using experts’ opinions and its reliability was identified with Cronbach's alpha coefficient which was set at 0.755. Results showed that the effectiveness of the environmental laws was different in levels less than 0.05 in that, the laws related to the prevention of water pollution with a value of 7.95 had the highest difference and effectiveness. Next, the laws related to the prevention of air pollution with an average of 6.51, and the laws related to fishing and hunting with an average of 6.05 were recognized as second and third most effective laws respectively. The two-sentence test showed that more than 28 punishments out of the 33 punishment laws were significant at less than 0.05 levels. Laws including punishment for failure to perform vehicle technical inspections with an average of 4.34; punishment for indiscriminate water withdrawal (digging a well) with an average of 4.33; and punishment for construction of lands around the river with an average of 4.29 had the highest effectiveness. Punishment for improper disposal of non-decomposable waste in nature with an average of 1.36, and punishment for unauthorized tree destruction with an average of 1.97 had the lowest effectiveness.


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