Aesthetic Analysis in the Selection of Suitable Tree and Shrub for the Urban Green Space of Deilaman with Emphasis on Indigenous Species

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Horticultural Science, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

2 Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran


In designing the sustainable development of urban green space, it is necessary to introduce suitable species from an aesthetic point of view, as well as to use native species. The purpose of this research was to determine the opinion of urban residents in choosing suitable tree and shrub species for the urban green space of Deilaman from an aesthetic point. For choosing suitable plant species, a list of all ornamental plants available in the Deilaman Parks and Urban Green Space Organization was prepared. Then, 107 indigenous species that existed historically in the study area and could be used in green space were selected and approved by experts. Among the identified species, top 15 species include elm, maple, alder, mummers, sparrow's tongue, hyrkanian boxwood, larg, dagdaghan, baranak, sukdar, oak, beech, cypress horizontalis, Christmas pine and Kashmiriana cypress were selected based on the responses of citizens for using in urban green space. The statistical population of this research was the residents of Deilaman city which 371 people were selected using Cochran's method to complete the questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts in this field. Also, the reliability of the questions using Cronbach's alpha test was 0.782. The results of the research showed that the respondents prefer the use of Christmas pine for the edges of streets and parks, horizontalis cypress for boulevards, tagouk for roadsides, and cashmeria cypress for beside of schools. Respondents showed more interest in native species than non-native species and non-green species than green species.


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