Providing a green marketing model in order to increase sales of pharmaceutical products

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Department of Business Management, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Business Management Department, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Business Management Department, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran


Due to the increase in environmental concerns and customers' desire for environmentally friendly products, green marketing has become a new paradigm in business management. Nevertheless, green marketing in the field of pharmaceuticals has been investigated less than other business fields. With these explanations, the current research has been done with the aim of presenting a green marketing model in the pharmaceutical industry. This study was conducted with a mixed approach. The participants in this research included 25 experts, including university professors and managers and senior experts of pharmaceutical companies, who were selected in a non-random and purposeful way using the snowball technique. Interviews (qualitative part) and expert questionnaires (quantitative part) were used to collect research data. In the qualitative part, the theme analysis method was used, and with this method, the main and subcategories of presenting the green marketing model in the pharmaceutical industry were identified. In the quantitative part, the process of hierarchical analysis was used to determine the priority of each of the components of providing green marketing in the pharmaceutical industry. Based on the obtained results, five main components were identified as dimensions of green marketing in the pharmaceutical industry. The results of prioritizing the components showed that the company's green orientation criterion with a normalized weight of 0.339 has the highest priority; And the components of ecological considerations, attention to stakeholders, green management of the supply chain and green branding are placed in the next ranks of importance, respectively.


Main Subjects