Evaluating the effectiveness of ecotourism resorts on sustainable tourism economy in Tiran City

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Graduate of Ecotourism, Department of Geography and Tourism, Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Tourism, Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran


Ecotourism as a type of green tourism, residences show economic stability of host society and ecological stability in form of protection of attractions and natural and human heritage, which, with association of culture and tradition of indigenous community, offers accommodation and welfare facilities to tourists. present study was conducted with aim of measuring the ecotourism residences effect on sustainable tourism economy of Tiran. it is of an applied type with an analytical and survey methodology that was conducted through questionnaires and interviews in form of 4 indicators and 37 variables in 1402. Results showed number of residences increased from 2 to 12 units in 2013 to 1402, and accordingly, the number of employees increased by 50%, which is mainly due to owners’ interest of residences, and amount of income is of secondary importance. results of t-test also show the highest importance of interest level of accommodation owners (4.25), effectiveness of providing traditional live music services (4.41) and effect of changing the price of food and services (4) on attracting tourists, effect of geographical location on residence prosperity (4.5), and effect of the personnel behavior and social interactions on this business development (4.16). results of correlation test indicate a significant and positive relationship between variables of providing local products and traditional food (R=0.921) and currency and food price changes (R=0.850) on the economy of ecotourism resorts. Therefore, by removing the obstacles and following the others experiences, it is possible to develop sustainable tourism in Tiran with aim of creating green employment.
