Evaluating the effectiveness of ecotourism resorts on sustainable tourism economy in Tiran City

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Graduate of Ecotourism, Department of Geography and Tourism, Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Tourism, Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran


The establishment of Eco resorts and traditional residences in tourist areas serves a dual purpose: it showcases the culture and traditions of local communities while providing tourists with accommodation that evokes a sense of tradition and authenticity. The city of Tiran has similarly witnessed the emergence of such establishments, influencing its tourism landscape. However, the factors driving this trend and its economic implications, particularly in terms of employment generation, have not been thoroughly evaluated. This research aims to assess the factors influencing the reconstruction of traditional houses and the construction of Eco resorts, as well as their impact on employment within the tourism sector in Tiran City.
This study adopts an applied approach, utilizing both analytical and survey methods. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires, which included 32 five-choice questions and five descriptive questions. The survey was conducted among stakeholders in the Eco resorts of Tiran City in 2023. The questionnaire design ensured comprehensive coverage of key variables related to the business dynamics of Eco resorts and their socio-economic impacts.
The results indicate a significant increase in the number of Eco resorts in the region, rising from two units in 2012 to twelve units in 2023. Consequently, employment in this sector has grown by 50% over the past decade. This growth is primarily attributed to the interest of business owners, followed by factors such as income generation. The normality test revealed a significance level (sig.) of 0.7 for items related to employment, indicating consistent opinions among respondents regarding the economic effects of this business model. Additionally, the T-test results highlight the following key variables as the most important factors influencing the success of Eco resorts:

The interest level of Eco resort owners (mean score = 4.25),
The effectiveness of offering traditional music services in attracting tourists (mean score = 4.41),
The impact of pricing strategies for food and other service products on tourist attraction (mean score = 4),
The influence of geographical location on business prosperity (mean score = 4.5), and
The role of personnel behavior and social interactions in business development (mean score = 4.16).

Furthermore, correlation analysis demonstrates a strong relationship between certain variables and the success of Eco resorts:

Providing local products and traditional food exhibits a very high effect (R = 0.921),
Changes in currency value and food prices also show a substantial impact (R = 0.850).

Discussion and Conclusion
The findings reveal that private sector investment has been a primary driver of growth in the Eco resort industry in Tiran City. However, government regulations, particularly those related to licensing and compliance with complex instructions, have posed challenges, reduced the enthusiasm of business owners and deterred tourist visits. To promote sustainable tourism development in Tiran City, it is essential to revise existing regulations and streamline bureaucratic processes. Drawing inspiration from leading countries in the Eco resort business can further enhance the sector's potential. By fostering an enabling environment, the city can capitalize on its cultural heritage and natural beauty to create jobs and improve economic conditions. In conclusion, aligning policies with the needs of the private sector and emphasizing the unique selling points of Eco resorts—such as traditional music, local cuisine, and authentic experiences—can significantly boost tourism and contribute to the region's socio-economic development. Future research could explore additional factors influencing the sustainability and competitiveness of Eco resorts in Tiran City.
