Explanation and analysis of effective factors in loyalty to green destinations (case study: Andebil tourism region in Khalkhal county)​

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Iranian Studies, Faculty of Iranian Studies, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Tourism expert and CEO of Anam Khalkhal Tourism Company, Khalkhal, Iran


Ecotourism is one of the types of green tourism. The development of ecotourism leads to intense competition among ecotourism destinations. On the other hand, attracting and maintaining existing customers is the main axis of any business and destination and is a key element in their survival. Realized value, experience, attachment to the destination and memory of the destination are the main factors in the future behavior of tourists. Therefore, this research aims to investigate these factors on the loyalty of tourists in the study area. The statistical population is tourists and ecotourists who have visited Andabil resort. The present research is a descriptive- analytical research. The data collection tool is a questionnaire that includes various constructs such as perceived value, experience, attachment to the destination, loyalty to the destination and memory of the destination. Data analysis tool is Smart-PLS structural equation software. The reliability of the constructs was checked and confirmed using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. 400 questionnaires were completed electronically. The results show that the role of attachment to the destination and experience is more colorful than the perceived value, and the reason for this is the lack of special services to provide to tourists in this region. In this regard, the hypothesis of perceived value on attachment to the destination was rejected. In line with the results, the research suggests that the quality of services provided in this resort should be improved in order to affect the loyalty of tourists.
