Reflection of the Implementation of Rangeland Management Projects on Sustainable Rural and Nomadic Development in Nehbandan County

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 Msc., Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


Rangeland management plans allocate a significant portion of the national natural resources budget at the macro level, and their proper evaluation will result in cost savings and increased plant efficiency. The high efficiency of the plans means that implementable projects in this sector have high economic, social, and environmental benefits and are competitive with other sectors of society. The present study aims to contribute to the improvement of the success level of rangeland management plans in the Nehbandan County by examining the various dimensions of the anticipated objectives of these plans. This research has been conducted to investigate the environmental, economic, and social effects of rangeland management plans on the development of rural and tribal areas in Nehbandan County. The research has been applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method, using documentary and field studies. The research population consists of rangeland users within the specified rangeland management plans in Nehbandan County, which have been in operation for several years. Within the study area, based on the environmental indicators assessed by the views of rural users, the performance of rangeland management plan implementation in the development of rural and tribal areas has been evaluated as moderate. Additionally, the assessment of changes in the economic and social conditions of the users has been evaluated as moderate, although livestock owners, as stakeholders in the plan, consider the continuation of drought as the main problem and believe that rangeland management plans, based on the extensive natural areas and livestock-based economy and high prices of livestock inputs, should be expanded in rural and tribal areas. As a result, these plans play an effective role in the sustainable development of rural and tribal areas.


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