Analysis of environmental data in the formation and sustainable development of rural settlements in Isfahan County with GIS

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences and Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences and Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Rural settlements have been formed under the influence of different environmental indicators. Today, planning for rural areas requires a correct recognition of the available natural opportunities and the use of optimal decisions. Spatial or environmental data play an important role in this context. Accordingly, in this research, the goal is to know the effective environmental data on rural issues and then analyze these data in the formation of rural settlements and prioritize them in terms of settlement in geographical areas. The descriptive-analytical research method is based on the spatial data of the country's mapping organization. In this research, 13 indicators, or spatial data, were used. The data standardization method was the fuzzy AHP method. The method of data analysis was using different algorithms in Arc GIS software, including interpolation (IDW and Kriging), the weighted sum overlay algorithm, and weighting in the model (IO). For weighting and comparison of criteria, experts' views were used as a panel (10 people) based on the AHP method in Expert Choice software. The result of the research showed that the geomorphology index of 0.455, the land cover index of 0.263, the distance from hazards index of 0.141, and the climate index of 0.141 played an important role in the establishment of rural settlements, respectively. The overlapping analysis confirmed that more than 121 rural points (10.38%) are in poor condition, 334 village (28.6%) have been evaluated in average condition and 713 villages (60.89%) in good condition.


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