The Role of Physical-Environmental Components on Social Sustainability in the Ban Barz Neighborhood of Ilam City

Document Type : Original Article


1 , Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning,، faculty of Art and Architecture، University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 , professor of the Department of geography and rural planning, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of the message of light, Tehran.Iran

3 PhD student of geography and urban planning, Tabriz University, Aras International Campus, Iran

4 Msc in geography and urban planning, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of physical-environmental components on social stability in the Ban Borz neighborhood of Ilam City. This city has recently enjoyed significant population and physical growth. Among the results of this rapid heterogeneous growth is the formation of informal residential areas in this city. The present article has been done with the analytical descriptive method and the method of collecting information in a library and field with the help of a questionnaire. The independent variable is physical-environmental indicators, and the dependent variable of this research is social sustainability indicators. The statistical population of the research is made up of the residents of the Ban Borez neighborhood of Ilam City, and the sampling method was random. Based on Cochran's formula, the number of samples was determined to be 384. Pearson's correlation test, regression analysis, and ANOVA were used to analyze the data in SPSS software. The variables of space form, permeability, and green space in total predict 78.8% of the changes in social sustainability. The highest significant correlation is related to form and space (P> 0.01, r = 0.0542), and the lowest correlation coefficient is related to the enclosure component (P> 0.01, r = 0.0438). The impact of physical-environmental variables showed that all six variables (space form, permeability, flooring and urban furniture, green space, enclosure, coloring, and building appearance) have a direct impact on social sustainability in the study area. The results of the regression analysis also showed that, in general, there is a direct and statistically significant connection between the components of physical-environmental components and social sustainability.


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