Investigating factors and barriers affecting the development of green behavior among employees in sports organizations in Iran (a meta-analytic study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. in Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran


The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the factors and barriers affecting the development of green behavior among employees in sports organizations in Iran. The research method was descriptive and meta-analytical. The statistical population included all sources published from 2011 to 2023. From among the statistical population, 20 studies that met the criteria for entering the meta-analysis were selected as research samples through the census method. The analysis of the collected data was done using CMA3 and SPSS software. The results of the meta-analysis showed that the combined effect size based on Cohen's D index for factors impacting the development of green behavior was d = 1.194 and for barriers, d = 1.229, both of which were considered large and significant. The results of Cochran's test and I-square showed high heterogeneity in the studies. Also, the results of the safe test of Rosenthal's error and funnel diagram showed no publication bias in the studies. Factors affecting the development of green behavior included management and organizational support, financial incentives, and management support for environmental behaviors. Also, the results showed a lack of employee training, a lack of support for human resource management functions, and a lack of energy consumption management. It seems that aligning the human resources of the Ministry of Sports with the green management strategy, continuous evaluation of the environmental performance of employees, and reducing financial barriers to developing the green behavior of employees in sports organizations are effective.


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