Green management of tourism with an approach to the economic development of local communities in the villages around the Vashi Gorge

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D., Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Global expectations for strengthening the economic conditions of local communities are expanding. One of the pillars of strengthening this approach is the use of environmental and human capacities in rural areas, especially in the development of tourism. The above trends are proof of benefiting from the capabilities of income-generating resources and local advantages. Potential tourism centers are centers that have a high chance of attracting financial capital. In this regard, one of the tourist centers that has attracted attention in Iran is the Vashi Gorge. As a result, there are rural settlements on the way to this tourist destination, among which Jalizjand village is in direct connection with Vashi Gorge. Considering the proximity of the village to the mentioned territory and its possible effects on the village's economy, the role of the tourist destination of Vashi Gorge on the stability of Jalizjand village's economy is the aim of the research. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and its statistical population includes ten percent of the participants living in Jalizjand village. A simple random method was used for sampling. Based on the review of the theoretical research literature, six components of vulnerability reduction, diversification, poverty alleviation, environmental compatibility, efficiency, and productivity were selected as criteria for measuring the level of economic development of the village. The techniques and tools for collecting data and information were library, field, questioning, and questionnaire, respectively. One-sample and Friedman statistical tests were also used for data analysis. The results of the research prove that the Vashi Gorge tourism river has not been able to provide the economic stability of Jalizjand village. Because among the effective criteria, the four criteria of poverty alleviation, adaptation to the environment, vulnerability reduction, and productivity are at a medium to very low level of sustainability.


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