Analyzing the social effects of the development of urban green space in Qochan

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

2 Master of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

3 PhD student in geography and urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Shirvan branch, Shirvan, Iran


The consequences of urban development and the complexities of today's environmental problems that involve many urban communities have made the existence of green space and its expansion necessary more than ever. Undoubtedly, urban parks play an important role in improving the quality of the urban environment, such spaces with social, economic and ecological functions are considered as one of the indicators of a sustainable city. In the present study, which examines the social effects of the expansion of green space on the city of Qochan, favorable and unfavorable social indicators as a result of the creation and expansion of this type of land use have been analyzed and investigated. The research method in this study was based on the applied goal and based on the descriptive-analytical method. Its information has been collected in the field using a questionnaire. Based on Cochran's formula, 383 questionnaires were estimated to be distributed, which were distributed among citizens (residents, townspeople, and neighbors) by random sampling, taking into account the scale and radius of access of each park. The collected data were processed using SPSS software. Examining the social functions of parks shows that these spaces in the city of Qochan, especially in regional and regional parks, in addition to having positive social results and effects, have adverse consequences (occurrence of conflict and social conflict, formation of inappropriate relationships, etc.. .) is also.


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