Examining the appropriateness of consideration of green space in the detailed plan and executive plan of Tehran's 22nd district

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Ayatollah Boroujerdi University, Boroujerd, Iran


Cities need special attention from the aspect of reviving urban nature, because the presence of nature in the city is one of the requirements of sustainable development and a healthy city, and it is very important to promote the quality of life in urban areas. Urban open and green spaces are not only important because of their recreational importance, but also because of the role they play in maintaining and balancing the urban environment, moderating air pollution, and nurturing the residents mentally and physically. Currently, due to sustainable urban development, it is important to examine green space indicators in the spatial planning of cities and population centers. Since the detailed plans are prepared based on the criteria and regulations of comprehensive plans, the importance of green space in these plans is undeniable. This research, which has an applied purpose and is based on the descriptive-analytical method, and its required information has been collected from the library method and field studies of the 22nd district of Tehran, which has been introduced as a sustainable urban area, based on the fact that while identifying and examining the indicators in Consideration of green spaces in urban planning and urban development plans (detailed plan), to check their compatibility (green spaces) with executive plans in the current situation. Using Hierarchical Analysis, this research seeks to determine the priority of the implementation of areas with the use of green space in detailed plans, in order to determine the extent of the deficit of these spaces in the implementation plans by determining the priorities. The results of the research indicate that the green spaces with higher priorities and final weight in the above method in the detailed plans of District 22 of Tehran, District 2 in the implementation stage due to the obstacles, their implementation has not been completed and causes inconsistency in the amount of space Green has been implemented in the current and proposed state of the detailed plan, and on the contrary, areas with a lower final weight have been implemented, which shows that the priorities have not been studied.


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