Measuring the impact of the principles and design of the school environment on students' learning with an emphasis on biophilic architectural indicators (nature-oriented)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Teacher of the Education Office of Izeh city, Izeh, Iran

2 Teacher of the Education Office of Dehdez city, Dehdez, Iran


Schools are an example of learning environments whose design and type of architecture can be effective in students' learning. In this regard, biophilic architecture, can be a suitable model for investigation. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of biophilic architectural indicators on students' learning as a case study in the schools of Izeh city. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on field studies using questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaire was conducted through the elites and the reliability was also confirmed with Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.70. The statistical population of the research is made up of the students of the second secondary level of Izeh city. the sample size was determined 194 people. Questioning analysis was done in spss software. The result of the test showed that biophilic architecture in the school environment can have a significant impact on learning from the perspective of students. The result confirmed that the presence of green spaces in the school with an average of 4.685, the school's access to natural sunlight with an average of 4.639 and inspiration from nature in the design of windows, doors, etc. with an average of 4.572 as the most important indicators. The impact of biophilic architecture on students' learning is known. Also, the result of the analysis of variance confirmed that there is a significant difference in the level of less than 0.05 among the students in terms of the effectiveness of biophilic architecture indicators in learning.


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