The Effect of E-Business on Stable Financial Performance and Sustainable Development with Regard to the Mediating Role of Organizational Innovation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant prof, Department of Management, department of Humanity science, Buin Zahra Branch, Islamic Azad University, Buin Zahra, Iran

2 M.A, Department of Management, department of Humanity science, Buin Zahra Branch, Islamic Azad University, Buin Zahra, Iran


Today, businesses face a challenging and ever-changing environment that has compelled them to strive for continuous improvement and innovation. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of e-business on corporate financial performance. The present study is applied research, and the method used in this investigation is analytical-survey. The study population consists of 240 managers and experts from the Alborz Telecommunication Organization, and according to the Morgan table, 144 individuals were randomly selected and surveyed using a questionnaire. For collecting data on the theoretical foundations and extracting factors and indicators, library and internet resources, including books, articles, and case studies, were utilized. The questionnaire was used to gather the information and data needed to investigate the research hypotheses. Inferential statistics were first determined according to the dimensions, and the indexes were extracted. After assessing the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, the data were normalized using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and then, using structural equation modeling and LISREL software, the hypotheses were examined. The results indicate that the use of e-business has a significant impact on operating costs and innovation. Furthermore, innovation moderates the impact of using e-business on operating costs and return on assets. However, e-business does not have a direct impact on the company's return on assets, but it does have an indirect effect.


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