The effect of marketing and communication skills capabilities on export performance of Rural green industries

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant prof, department of Humanity science, Buin Zahra Branch, Islamic Azad University, Buin Zahra, Iran


Organizations today have to go beyond traditional marketing boundaries to stay competitive and maintain their competitive advantage among competitors, and to improve their performance seek to discover ideal opportunities, produce new products, and identify new sales markets. In this regard, many researchers and experts believe that to develop and improve the performance of organizations and to increase interaction with customers and meet their needs and wants, it is necessary to adopt a new marketing strategy Therefore, in the present study, the effect of marketing capabilities on the export performance of the company has been investigated by considering the moderating role of communication skills in handicrafts. The statistical population of this study is 300 managers and supervisors of companies exporting handicrafts who were available sampling method. This research is an applied research in terms of purpose. A standard questionnaire was distributed among 209 managers and supervisors of companies exporting handicrafts as available sample. To analyze the data use the structural equation modeling approach by LISREL software. The research results show that market information ability has a positive and significant effect on export performance, export pricing ability on export performance, ability to increase exports on export performance and after-sales service ability on export performance. Also, marketing capabilities on export performance, product development ability on export performance, export distribution ability do not have a significant effect on export performance. The results showed that communication skills moderate the impact of marketing capabilities on export performance.


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