Spatial monitoring of rural-urban relations and links in the sustainable development of Abhar-Khormadreh area

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Rural-urban links can have a significant impact on sustainable rural development, these effects have a positive or negative role on their area or region and differ from one region to another. Spatial relations and links are hidden in the flow of services, capital, population, information, technology, production, waste, etc.; Therefore, the scientific knowledge of these phenomena is considered effective in regional planning. Layers of spatial movements can be observed and emerged using software methods; Therefore, the current research tries to monitor rural-urban relations in the development of the geography of Abhar-Khormadreh region with the help of these sciences. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on field and documentary data, and the studied community is Abhar-Khormadreh district located in Zanjan province. Abhar city, as a middle-sized city in terms of accumulation of facilities, capital and manpower in the region, while dominating and relative superiority over the region, has a two-way connection with its surrounding population points and villages. The findings of the research show that 34.59% of the studied households procure their services, goods and necessities from Abhar city; 29.46% of households from Khorramdara and Hidaj cities and 8.72% of households only get their needed goods from the village where they live. In addition, the economic flow between the villages is very limited and insignificant in order to supply household consumption goods, which indicates the dominance and sphere of influence of Abhar and Khorramdara over the surrounding villages.


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