Analysis of the Environmental Projects Implemented in Fajr Gas Refinery Company, Jam

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geography and Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Birjand , Birjand, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Birjand , Birjand, Iran


Today, the oil and gas refining industries are one of the main energy sectors in the world that countries need in order to achieve development and increased production. Environmental pollution is one of the most important challenges facing human society in the present century. This study aimed to examine the environmental projects implemented in Fajr Gas Refinery Company based on field observations. Fajr Gas Refinery is located in the southeast of Bushehr port, adjacent to Khas district in Jam city, covering a distance of 290 kilometers. The present study aimed to examine the environmental measures taken by the refinery with the aim of reducing pollution to protect the environment, using a descriptive-analytical method and library and field notes as research data. The results of the study indicated that the environmental measures taken by the refinery could be categorized into four sections. In the wastewater section, measures such as constructing a drying bed in the flare area and eliminating overflow from the oil collection pond were taken. In the waste management section, waste sorting and fencing were implemented. Regarding air pollution reduction, an online analyzer was installed on the chimney stacks for waste incinerators and boilers. In addition, in terms of water resource management, measures were taken to construct Baghan dam and to install water meters on the water lines. The set of measures taken has resulted in the successful acquisition of various certifications by the refinery, including the Excellence Certificate in the first International Conference on Participatory Management and Proposals, and the Green Industry Certificate from the Environmental Protection Organization in 2002. The successful experience of this unit can serve as a model for similar industrial units.


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