An Analysis of the Perspectives and Theories on Ecological Urbanism Approach

Document Type : Review Article


PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran


Today, the discussion of sustainability and sustainable development would be meaningless without considering the environmental capabilities of cities as they are the main factors influencing instability in the world. Therefore, the sustainability of human life is dependent on the environmental sustainability of cities. Various approaches have been proposed to achieve urban balance and sustainability, one of which is ecological urbanism. Ecological urbanism is a comprehensive and integrated approach that addresses all dimensions and goals of urban development by emphasizing environmental sustainability, economic development, and social justice. The aim of this study was to carry out a comparative analysis of the theories of experts in the field of ecological urbanism. This study had practical objectives and was descriptive-analytical in nature. Document-based data collection and content analysis was used to collect and analyze the data. Results showed that there was a special emphasis on the development of ecological cities worldwide, and theorists in this field emphasized the physical, social, environmental, economic, and urban landscape components. Among them, the indicators of diversity and mixed land use, reduction of air pollution, social participation and support for meeting local needs with social justice, pedestrian, bicycle and public transportation, locally self-sufficient economy with urban agriculture and green jobs, saving material and energy consumption, attention to urban green space, managerial decentralization, waste separation and recycling, and reuse of materials were all emphasized.


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