Desert Ecotourism and Sustainable Rural Development in South Khorasan Province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

2 Graduated from the Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran


Ecotourism, as a type of tourism in nature, is of interest to Iranian planners because it has a key role in strengthening the local economy. Despite environmental constraints that exist regarding growth and development, South Khorasan province has diverse capabilities and attractions in natural tourism, one of which is desert tourism. This study aims to identify and economically analyze desert tourism and touches upon the challenges of developing settlements around the deserts that are the target of tourism. This research was applied in purpose and descriptive-analytical in method. The population of the study included 130 households in villages on the edge of seven deserts which were the target of tourism in South Khorasan province in 2015. The results showed that there were many factors involved in the development of tourism in desert areas, the most important of which were related to creating mental and emotional peace and using specific desert landscapes for activities such as photography. In terms of the economy, the impact of tourism on the economic status of households was evaluated in different dimensions. In addition, regarding tourism obstacles in desert areas, adverse natural conditions such as temperature conditions, dust, and fine particles were described. 


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