The Effect of the Quality of Green Banking Services on Customer Loyalty with the Mediating Variables of Satisfaction, Perceived Value, and Trust

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Imam Reza International University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Graduated from Master's Degree in Management Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Imam Reza International University, Mashhad, Iran


Electronic banking services, closely related to information and communication technology, are among the most important factors in creating a competitive advantage for banks and attracting customers and their satisfaction. This study aims to investigate the effect of the quality of the internet bank services as an example of green banking on loyalty, customer satisfaction, perceived value, and trust in Shahr Bank branches in Mashhad. This study was a descriptive survey in terms of methodology and an applied research in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study comprised all the customers of Shahr Bank branches in Mashhad from among which 384 samples were chosen using the convenience sampling method. The data collection instruments included Kingshot et al. (2018) and Lionello et al.’s (2020) questionnaires. The face validity of the instruments was confirmed using the viewpoints of a panel of experts. Further, convergent, divergent, and factor analysis were used to check the construct validity. Cronbach alpha and composite reliability were also used to measure reliability. The overall Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.926, which was within an acceptable range. Data analysis was done using the structural equation modeling method and SmartPLS3 software. The results showed that the quality of the internet bank had an effect on customer satisfaction, perceived value, and trust. In addition, the effect of internet bank quality, satisfaction, perceived value, and customer trust on customer loyalty was significant. 


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