Analyzing the Status of Green Tourism Indicators in Koohrang Region

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Geography and Rural Planning, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Ph.D. student of sociology, social-rural development, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Green tourism can create new opportunities and play an important role in keeping cultural and local traditions alive. Koohrang region is one of the most important ecotourism areas which attracts many tourists every year due to its unspoiled natural areas. The first step to develop tourism in Koohrang was to examine the status of green tourism indicators, and then to provide appropriate solutions. The research design was descriptive-analytical and it was based on survey data. The population of the study consisted of 35,183 residents of the rural areas of Koohrang, from among which 379 people were selected based on Morgan's table. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by researchers and experts in the field, and its reliability determined by Cronbach alpha was to 0.78. The results of the test measuring the level of green tourism indicators in Koohrang area was significant at a level less than 0.05. Among the examined indicators, the index of security with an average of 4.03 was in a good condition. Other indicators such as keeping cultural and local traditions alive (3.59), improving technology and the internet (3.47), and managing waste and garbage (3.43) had an average status in Koohrang region. Further, six strategies were suggested to develop green tourism in this region including legislation and passing laws, culture building, provision of educational, consulting, and credit services, establishment of tourist accommodation and villages, local participation in environmental protection, development and distribution of tourism services as well as environmental protection based on existing capacities.


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